Vinícius Alves

2 reviews



I recommend.


Excellent trader! The key I traded turned out to be duplicate, but we agreed on a replacement and in the end the trade went fine. Thank you!

Recent posts

Vesala about 8 years ago

Sorry to hear about that the key was used. Could be a mistake in my bookkeeping. Just to confirm, this was "Men of War: Vietnam", right? And you actually entered the key in the Steam client and got en error? (Sometimes the Groupees listings have shown keys as used even when they were not.)

Vinícius Alves about 8 years ago

Yes... I got the "duplicated product code" error message. The game is "Men of War: Vietnam". The Vessels trade early with you went perfectly fine. Now it is just missing the "Men of War: Vietnam". (Sorry for rate you down... I'm getting used to groupees yet.) :)

Vesala about 8 years ago

I haven't traded that much myself, either - I'm not that active on the Groupees site. But I sent you a friend request as you suggested.