
3 reviews



Thanks for accepting my offer

Norman King

Great Trader!

Grzegorz Gustaw Jankowski

Good trader ;)

Recent posts

gegeru over 7 years ago

hi i'm interested in Goatpunks, any specific game you want to trade?

yirg over 7 years ago

My barter.vg profile is here: https://barter.vg/u/138b/

Medavelvan over 7 years ago

Banned for making offers? Why not counter offer?

Brett over 7 years ago

I'm not interested in Goatpunks, but sent you an offer for Gunnheim instead

QuickSave!(TK!) almost 8 years ago

I noticed you (and Norman) both offered trade for Pluck. Not interested in the games (have them all, multiple copies some) but you can have Pluck since it's a copy. Who is supposed to receive it? Find me in chat or add me in steam (on profile). Someone added me but not sure who it is. So reposting to you here before I accept.

QuickSave!(TK!) almost 8 years ago

Let me clarify. From the thread on Norman King's profile, it looks like someone is owed the Pluck game. Whoever was supposed to receive Pluck in that trade, contact me.

yirg almost 8 years ago

Thanks for the generous offer. I sent you a friend invite on Steam. This is for my giveaway here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/pD4fB/pluck ...the winner is JordiTK (email is jorditijsseklasen at that email service by google that everyone is using).

yirg almost 8 years ago

(that's the winner's email address)

ssokolow almost 8 years ago

I declined your trade offer because I already have one of the games and the other is a Steam key. (As I mention on my profile, I have no interest in Steam keys.)

yirg almost 8 years ago

I missed that. Thanks for replying :-)